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Town Council Page

About the council

The Town Council consists of nine councillors who give their time and effort voluntarily and receive no payment whatsoever.

The Council employs a part-time Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer and a part-time Street Cleaner.

The Town Council represents the people of the Brompton and assists residents and businesses to deal with local issues that affect its residents. The Council works in partnership with principal authorities and other local councils, the Police and other bodies to address local problems and to assist in making Brompton a viable and sustainable village and to encourage tourism to the area.  The Town Council's activities also include the management and maintenance of the Village Greens and the recreational park situated on Northallerton Road in the centre of the village.

At the Annual Meeting each year the Council elects its Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Currently Mrs M Shiel Dods and Mr M Langthorne.

What does the council do?

Local Councils have a number of legal powers defined by various statutory provisions (e.g. Local Government Act 1972; Parish Councils Act 1957; Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984; etc). Their main role is to exert influence on the decisions of District and County Councils. They are consulted on local Planning Applications, Highway/Road Safety issues, long term planning and wider community involvement strategies. .

In most cases, Local Councils are directly responsible for providing the following services to their villages:-

  • Bus Shelters, and their maintenance
  • Maintenance any lands it holds (including Car Parks), Village Notice Boards, etc
  • Maintaining/Improving the Village Greens/Common Land
  • Provision of Grit/Salt bins at strategic points
  • Supporting the maintenance of village burial grounds
  • Insuring the use of play equipment in Recreation Grounds for the benefit of the wider community
  • Grants to support local voluntary groups/associations
  • Planting trees/shrubs to enhance the surroundings and to commemorate key events
  • Providing a focus within the village for action/representations on key issues
  • Organising 'Parish Appraisals/Plans', and acting on their recommendations

However, just a reminder to say that whilst the Council is a consultee on any applications for planning consent that are made in the Parish the actual decision as to whether any application is approved, deferred or refused is one for North Yorkshire Council to make as the Planning Authority for the area. If you are concerned about a planning matter in the Parish, whilst it is useful for the Council to be made aware of such matters, it is important that you actually take the matter up with North Yorkshire Councils Planning Officers .