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Wildlife Area

Water End Wild life Area

Several years ago the Parish Council drew up a Local Plan for Brompton which examined a diverse range of improvements including increasing the diversity of flora and fauna of the village and the environment, particularly focusing on the communal greens. The previous flood group undertook extensive tree and hedge planting as part of their flood defence work.

The ‘top green’ of Water End near Fullicar was designated a space where re-wilding began in 2020 with the reduction in routine grass cutting. Walkers and dog walkers soon made their own now well -trodden routes which loop through the trees and beds. Two areas were initially cordoned off, scarified and sown with wildflower seeds. Now in 2022 the cordon has been removed as the wildflowers- annuals and perennials- are now well established and we hope 2022 will really see a difference in the increased diversity of plants. Mid Spring 2021 saw a wonderful display of dandelions, followed by the restful, tall purple swaying meadow grasses in the summer, the wildflowers attracting insects and moths. Toads were spotted and tawny owls were heard in the evenings.

2021 saw the area provide a peaceful place for residents to wander, observe, sit and take time out during what has been a very stressful two year period in unprecedented times. The Working Group volunteers received many positive comments about the area. However we do recognise that the Parish Council received a few repeated complaints and in order to address these a New Management Plan for the area has been put together. Whilst we appreciate many people like a well manicured garden and lawn, our greens are not municipal parks and having a wild area is more in keeping with a country village ethos.

Wild Life Area Update - Work Day 13th March 2023

Wild Life Area Update - Work Day Saturday October 8th 2022  

A perfect autumn morning greeted the volunteers who turned up at the Wildlife Area on Saturday ready for a hard work session.  

Volunteers old and new - in both age and person, dug up docks, raked off grass, stripped turf, shifted turf and prepared more areas ready for seed sowing. Team working was in full tilt as many hands made light work  

The unexpected discovery of a family of voles and a frog delighted the youngsters – real proof our Wildlife Area is indeed attracting Wildlife!  

Thanks to Andy at SHC Tool hire for loaning the turf stripper free of charge and John Brigginshaw for wrestling the beast of a machine in boggy earth.  

Join us again next Saturday for an hour of seed sowing and planting.  

Here is a selection of photos from Sat 8th Oct 2022 THANK YOU EVERYONE J  

The History of the Village Greens

Over the years the greens have changed considerably in there usage. During WW2 the greens were dug up and vegetables planted as part of the war effort, animals were grazed and many properties on Water End still retain those grazing rights. Throughout the 1970’s horses were regularly tethered and ducks and a geese flocks roamed free to graze and at times chase residents down Water End!

Regular mowing of the green is a relatively recent method of grass reduction!

In the late Autumn of 2021 the meadow had a long grass cut which allows the dead seed heads to fall to the floor to enhance germination. Oct 30th Communal Planting day was a great turn out of 30+volunteers aged 3-80 years of age who planted hundreds of bulbs and specialist wildflower seed mixes were sown onto ready prepared seed beds – this time in swathes through the existing meadow.

A dead tree has been replaced with a sapling as a memorial to the late historian Colin Narramore and the arrival of a millennial Oak tree is imminent.

Both bulb planting and seed sowing will be extended each year in Autumn & spring both in the wildlife area and around the other greens as a continuation of the hard work of daffodil  bulb planters Councillors Langthorne and Martin. The bulbs are all peeping through now.

Nature Boards

The recent addition of 2 stunning nature information boards provide a focal point of interest and information. Designed & specifically tailored by talented local nature artist Lorna Hazelwood and built by John Brigginshaw (the reclaimed bricks donated by JT Atkinsons) these are the first of further planned information boards across the village.

Future Collaborations

These will involve Northallerton College students who are working on a series of Tree Identification Tags with interactive QR codes that will link to the Woodland Trust website. They are also working on flora &fauna labels from sustainable materials as the site develops.

And Brompton School children will be using the site in the future for outdoor education visits & working on Habitat Creation projects such as bug hotels, hedgehog houses, log pile houses.


Brompton Wildlife Area Working Group volunteers whatever age or ability are welcome- join us on community planting or maintenance days- meet new people, form new friendships, put something back into your village for generations to come. If you would like to be involved please contact and watch out for notices. We look forward to meeting you!!  Become a BWAG- Excuse the weeds- we are feeding the bees bzzz

May 2024 Brompton Wildlife Area Report

Autumn 2021 Brompton Wildflower Area Update

Summer 2021 - Brompton Wildlife Area Update

Wildflower Poster